
For the first time in my life I can feel the benefits of exercise.

My balance and strength in my legs has really improved, it's the best thing I've done.

I am more mobile and less in pain....I don't even use my walking stick as much.

Standing Tall is a fun, friendly, physio-led exercise class for people aged 65 and over in Brighton and Hove.

Improve your balance
Keep your muscles strong
Feel more confident on your feet
Stay fit enough to enjoy your favourite activities
Meet other people

Standing Tall classes last an hour and cost just £3.50.
All our classes are lead by qualified, experienced Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists or Physiotherapy Assistants who are trained Postural Stability Instructors. This means that people can improve their balance and strength in a safe and supportive environment.
During lockdown we ran a Standing Tall class via zoom! It was so successful we have continued to run a weekly zoom class along side our community classes.
Everyone is welcome! Staying active and steady has never been more important.

I feel great after each class, mentally and physically.

I’ve been exercising at home (during Covid-19) but it hasn’t been as much fun….Zoom classes are motivating and I look forward to Tuesday mornings once again

I’ve made friends while getting fit at this amazing class.
Our classes
Standing Tall classes boost fitness, balance and strength without being too strenuous. There is no jumping around! Clear instructions and encouragement are always provided.
People wear comfortable clothes such as loose-fitting trousers, a T-shirt and jumper, and supportive flat shoes.
The class takes place in a circle. After a gentle warm-up, we work on fitness, balance and strength. People stand behind their chair for the exercises but everything can be adapted for those who need to sit. Then it’s time to cool down and relax.
Tea, coffee and biscuits are provided after most classes. Water is always available. Most people bring a small bottle of water with them.
Our classes
Standing Tall classes boost fitness, balance and strength without being too strenuous. There is no jumping around! Clear instructions and encouragement are always provided.
People wear comfortable clothes such as loose-fitting trousers, a T-shirt and jumper, and supportive flat shoes.
The class takes place in a circle. After a gentle warm-up, we work on fitness, balance and strength. People stand behind their chair for the exercises but everything can be adapted for those who need to sit. Then it’s time to cool down and relax.
Tea, coffee and biscuits are provided after most classes. Water is always available. Most people bring a small bottle of water with them.
Who can come?
Standing Tall classes are for everyone aged 65 and over who wants to reduce their risk of falling and keep up or improve their fitness, balance and strength. That includes people who have fallen over in the past, anyone feeling unsteady on their feet, and anyone who simply wants to maintain or improve their current fitness level. Our participants range in age from their early 60s to late 90s so you’re welcome and included whatever your age.
You don’t have to be fit to come! But we hope you’ll get stronger and fitter – which may help to prevent falls – as well as having fun and meeting new people.
The exercises we use have been shown to improve strength and balance.
People who use walking aids are welcome.
If you’re enjoying the classes, you can keep coming for as long as you want.
Who can come?
Standing Tall classes are for everyone aged 65 and over who wants to reduce their risk of falling and keep up or improve their fitness, balance and strength. That includes people who have fallen over in the past, anyone feeling unsteady on their feet, and anyone who simply wants to maintain or improve their current fitness level.
You don’t have to be fit to come! But we hope you’ll get stronger and fitter – which may help to prevent falls – as well as having fun and meeting new people.
The exercises we use have been shown to improve strength and balance.
People who use walking aids are welcome.
If you’re enjoying the classes, you can keep coming for as long as you want.
Find a class
Come along to watch a class and see what it’s all about
To sign up you’ll just need to fill in two simple forms
Once your forms have been processed we’ll let your GP know you’ve signed up. Then you’re ready for action!
You can get to most of the venues by bus. Parking is also available nearby.
All Standing Tall classes cost just £3.50. We’re delighted that we can offer this special rate due to an increase in the funding we receive from Brighton and Hove City Council Public Health – which is committed to helping people age well and reduce their risk of falling.
You pay £3.50 for your first trial week, which gives you a chance to decide whether Standing Tall classes are right for you.
After that, we ask you to pay in advance for a block of six or eight classes. The cost for each class is still the same, but this means we can plan in advance for the number of people who want to come.
You can pay by cash, cheque or bank transfer. We’ll give you all the information you need when you join.
All Standing Tall classes cost £5. We’re delighted that we can offer this rate because of a subsidy from Brighton and Hove City Council – which is committed to helping people age well and reduce their risk of falling.
You pay £5 for your first trial week, which gives you a chance to decide whether Standing Tall classes are right for you.
After that, we ask you to pay £30 in advance for a block of six classes, or £40 for a block of eight classes. The cost for each class is still £5, but this means we can plan in advance for the number of people who want to come.
You can pay by cash, cheque or bank transfer. We’ll give you all the information you need when you join.
Standing Tall welcomes referrals from GPs, healthcare professionals and the voluntary sector. Preventing Falls and helping people stay fit and active post Covid-19 is crucial. We work closely with Brighton and Hove Falls and Fracture Prevention Service. Standing Tall offers a next step for people who have attended their 12-week Balance Blaster course, but also provides classes for anyone concerned with their balance and who wants to prevent falls.
If you feel the person you are working with could benefit from a physio-led strength and balance class please get in touch or give them our number.
Relatives and carers are also welcome to contact us for more information about Standing Tall classes.
People who feel they could benefit from a physio-led strength and balance class please get in touch with us directly for a friendly chat.
If you are a PSI trained Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapy Assistant with experience running classes and you are interested in running a Standing Tall class, please get in touch for a chat with either Ruth or Julie.
Standing Tall welcomes referrals from GPs, healthcare professionals and the voluntary sector. We work closely with Brighton and Hove Falls and Fracture Prevention Service. Standing Tall offers a next step for people who have attended their 12-week Balance Blaster course, but also provides classes for anyone concerned with their balance and who wants to prevent falls.
If you feel the person you are working with could benefit from a physio-led strength and balance class please get in touch or give them our number.
Relatives and carers are also welcome to contact us for more information about Standing Tall classes.
People who feel they could benefit from a physio-led strength and balance class please get in touch with us direct for a friendly chat.
If you are a PSI trained physiotherapist with experience running classes and you are interested in running a Standing Tall class, please get in touch for a chat with either Ruth or Julie.
Standing Tall classes have been running in community venues across Brighton and Hove since 2010. They were set up by local physiotherapists Julie Butler and Ruth McEnery-Carter, who are passionate about enabling people to stay fit and active.
Julie and Ruth are specialist, qualified chartered physiotherapists registered with the HCPC, and are qualified Laterlife Postural Stability Instructors. Standing Tall is based on the Otago and FaME programmes.

Julie Butler
Specialist Physiotherapist
Julie qualified with a BSc in Physiotherapy from St George’s Hospital Medical School in 2004 and has worked locally ever since delivering Physiotherapy services in hospitals and people’s homes. In 2016 she gained an MSc in Physiotherapy from the University of Brighton and has a particular interest in the health and well-being of older adults. Julie says:

The concept of ageing well has always been a passion of mine. Participating in regular exercise has such a positive effect, whether the goal is to regain, maintain, or to begin working towards, a healthy and independent lifestyle. Standing Tall classes are a fun way to not only reduce the risk of falling but to improve confidence and increase levels of physical activity.

Specialist Physiotherapist
Ruth qualified as a physiotherapist in 2001 with a first class honours degree. In a long career in the NHS and private sectors, she has helped many people get back on their feet after falls or a hospital admission, as well as working in care homes and community venues. Ruth also runs RMC Physiotherapy, visiting people in their own homes. Ruth says:

Standing Tall classes bring together the aspects of wellbeing that I feel most strongly about… helping people to be fit and strong enough to keep enjoying the activities that matter to them, and stay steady and confident on their feet. It’s also important that people feel they are not alone in the challenges they face.